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About Us
ABOUT hashtag
HASHTAG is a digital marketing agency dedicated to transforming brands and businesses into success stories through effective data-centric marketing approaches.

The results we achieve emanate from our team’s enthusiasm for new ideas, technologies and solutions.

We pursue relationships based on transparency, persistence, mutual trust and integrity with our employees, customers and other business partners. We offer social media services, create and manage top-performing social media campaigns for the business.

Our agency manages social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on its customer’s behalf.

The company’s customers vary between corporates, TV and Radio Channels, and public figures. The company has also worked on series, movies and TV shows.

For 5 years now, Hashtag has proven the worthy acquired position in the field through dealing with more than 135 clients, and providing above 300 projects. Through around 146 employees, Hashtag has provided more than 15,000 pieces of content, and beyond 10,000 artwo

Hashtag works on increasing the awareness about the service or the product its customers offer amid the targeted audience on social and various online channels. Furthermore, the company cooperates with leaders and managers of the contracted companies in order to provide advice and help in mentoring the team members in addition to upgrading the work level.

OUR Vision

Our vision is to support organizations to prove their effective presence through social media.